With Movielicious you can quickly add, find, view, and edit movie information in your movie collection. New movies can be added by searching a variety of data sources using free text search or by scanning barcodes of DVD or Blu-ray cases. You can organize movies into the collection you own and into a wish list.
Do you have a large Blu-ray or DVD collection? Movielicious is a simple yet powerful app that helps you manage your movie library.
Do you have a large Blu-ray or DVD collection? Movielicious is a simple yet powerful app that helps you manage your movie library.
Features :
- Honeycomb tablet support
- IMDb integration
- Wish list
- Share movie collection or wish list via email, etc
- Add movies via barcode scanning
- Add movies via online search in several data sources
- Add movies via manual entry
- Shelf view and list view of movie library
- Search your movie collection by movie title, year, or actor
- Filter you movie collection by genre, director, format, lent out, or watched status
- Share your favorite movies via Facebook, Twitter, or Google+
- Rate movies
- Keep track of when a movie was last watched
- Keep track of who a movie was lent out to
- Handles all modern formats (DVD, Blu-ray, HD-DVD) as well as older formats (VHS, 35mm, 16mm), plus the ability to add custom formats
- If you have the IMDb Android app installed, tapping a movie title, actor, or director in the movie details screen attempts to open the item in the IMDb app.
- Backup and restore your movie library
- Import movie library from the iOS version of Movielicious
- Import movie library from: Extreme Movie Manager, Ant Movie Catalog, MBase2, Personal Video Database, DVD Profiler, Delicious Library, CatVids, Collectorz Movie Collector, Filmotech, MyMovielicious 3, EAX Movie Collection, Kava Movielicious, MeD's Movie Manager, M-DVD, Generic TXT file with movie titles, Generic CSV file with movie information.
Screenshots :
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