Dark Matter HD - ADW/LPP Theme v1.5 APK

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Dark Matter HDIcon pack, for ADW launcher, and Launcher Pro !

Dark Matter HD - ADW/LPP Theme v1.5market.android.com.darkmatter
Dark Matter HD
Icon pack, for ADW launcher, and Launcher Pro.
You must have either one, or both of these launchers installed to use this app.
The pack contains 680 themed application icons, with more to come!
(Approximately 445 icons and 2 docks)

Please note, this app does NOT show up in the app drawer.

To use on Launcher Pro:
Menu > Preferences > Theme Settings > Icon Pack > Dark Matter HD.

To use on ADW launcher:
Menu > ADW Settings > Theme Preferences > Slide across the top to Dark Matter HD > Apply theme!

If you would like to make any icon request, feel free to email me them by clicking on 'Email Developer' below.

Required Android O/S : 1.6+

Screenshots :

Download : 9.5Mb APK