Locale v3.0.1 APK

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Artificial intelligence for Android !

Locale v3.0.1 play.google.com.locale
Locale's advanced artificial intelligence manages settings automatically. For example: arrive at work and instantly your ringer silences, your wallpaper snaps to that scenic Caribbean photo, and Wi-Fi switches on. With Locale, never worry about your ringer going off accidentally again. Once you experience Locale's power and convenience, you'll never want to be without it. Set it and forget it!

Locale leverages groundbreaking artificial intelligence algorithms to combine accelerometer, cell, Wi-Fi, GPS, and other signals for instant location detection.

Configuring is simple—it just works! To create a location, drag and drop the pin on the map, resize the radius using your finger, and Locale does the rest.

The best part? No huge battery drains because Locale typically uses 3% or less of the battery. During our extensive testing across twenty popular Android devices, we found the battery lasts several days with Locale running.

Locale manages more than your ringer. Along with built-in conditions (Battery, Contact, Location, Orientation, Time) and built-in settings (Bluetooth, Ringtone, Screen Brightness, Screen Timeout, Volume, Wallpaper, Wi-Fi), Locale expands with an advanced plug-in architecture. Over 250 Locale plug-ins exist on the Android Market.

Imagine increasing your productivity by combining Locale with Astrid—an amazing task and todo management app—for location-aware reminders. Learn more at:http://blog.244.am/astrid

What's in this version : (Updated : Mar 29, 2012)
  • Calendar condition (Android 4.0+)
  • Redesigned Holographic UI
  • Situation templates
  • Priority support
  • Shortcut setting
  • Media Volume setting
  • Faster Orientation condition detection
  • Optimized battery life
  • Google TV support
  • Full release notes: http://blog.244.am/notes
Required Android O/S : 1.5+

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